Mobile Gaming Archive

If you own an iPhone or iPad, gaming is a natural link in the chain of personal activities. Whether it’s a simple social game, a sophisticated first-person shooter, or an iOS casino with real money wagers, we all have some sort of game we just can’t get enough of. For those who spend a...
If you thought you’d already found the best mobile games for iPad and iPhone, think again. For years now, PC and console video games have been the focal point of innovation. 2017 will be different. This is the year mobile games will finally get all the attention from developers. Mobile gaming has grown immensely...
Japanese gaming firm Nintendo has finally taken the plunge into iPad gaming. The company announced it will release its first paid app for iOS mobile devices today, December 15. From the famous Super Mario Bros line of classic console games, the title of the new app is Super Mario Run. Nintendo confirmed that Super...
I love a crack at the pokies on my iPad now and again, but sometimes it’s fun to get back to basics. And by basics, I mean the original, old-school entertainment of Super(fly) Mario and his Big(ger) Brother Luigi [#i♥mustache]. If you still hold a place in your heart for those classic Game Boy...